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At Upper Woodlands we are passionate about protecting your privacy. We take our responsibilities very seriously when it comes to protecting your personal data and information. The below policy explains how we might gather that personal information, how it can be used, and how we endeavour to protect your privacy.

Using Customer Information

In order for us to offer you the service that we do, we require certain information to allow us to complete the processes of handling your enquiries and completing your booking. This can include, but not exclusively, your name, date of birth, address, telephone numbers, email address, details of those in your party, as well as financial information such as credit or debit card details. We may need to know the full details of all persons in your party and not just those of the lead party member.

All of the information that we gather is for the process of booking your holiday, processing your enquiries, keeping you up to date on your booking, and communicating with you from the initial enquiry and through your booking. You can also opt for us to remember aspects of this information – your address for example – so that next time you want to make a booking, we already have some details on file. We may also use and analyse the information that we collect so that we can administer, support, improve and develop our business.

The information that you provide to us will be held in our systems, which are located on our premises or those of an appointed third party who will be based within the EEA. We may also allow access to your information by other third parties who act for us for the purposes set out in this policy or for other purposes approved by you.

1.Email Campaigns, Marketing And Customer Feedback

Any information collected and stored regarding you is to enable us to offer better services to you.  We may also use the data collected for the following: 

We may use the data you provided in order to offer you the information you asked for from our site, in direct relation to our services or products.  We may also send information on products we feel might interest you, as long as you have consented to such communications.

Any commitments we made to you may require the use of your information, used only to fulfil your request.

We may use your information to explain any changes our website has undergone such as structural or service/ product modifications, which could affect our service to you.

An existing customer may require contact regarding goods or services that were a subject of an earlier sale.

We may use your data in order to give you information about unrelated goods or services you may find of interest.  We may contact you about these services or goods if you consented to the contact. 

A new customer may be contacted by us or a third party if you have consented to such communication.

We may ask you to email us with, or we may contact you to obtain, your opinion on a particular subject. We may publish a selection of these comments on our website. If however, you advise us that you do not wish to have your comment and name published, we will not do so.

Please note your email address and all other personal details will never be passed to a third party for their marketing purposes.

You can opt out of the email service at any time by contacting us.

2. Site Tracking & Cookies

We use tracking software to monitor customer traffic patterns and site usage to help us develop the design and layout of the site to better meet the needs of visitors to our websites. This software does not enable us to capture any personally identifying information.  Such sources are Google analytics for example.

Any information shared will not identify who you are, but rather be mathematical data about our visitors and their use on our site.  The data does not give out any personal details.

Cookies may be used to gather this general internet data.  When used, cookies are downloaded to your computer without prompting.  The cookie file is stored on your hard drive, where files are transferred to.  This information helps us improve our site and services to you.

All computers can block cookies by activating proper browser settings.  There is a place to enable you to decline cookies under the options menu.  Please note if you decline cookies you may experience limited access to certain areas of our site.

3. Security To Protect Your Information And Data Retention

As stipulated in the UK Data Protection Act of 1998, we are required to follow procedures to ensure the security of data stored and disclosed by us. This is to ensure that data we have been given is not disclosed to the incorrect source and to prevent unauthorised access. Occasionally, in the case of sensitive information, we may require additional proof of identity to ensure that the correct procedures are followed and no data is released unwittingly.

In any circumstances where sensitive data is passed to a trusted third party, we will ensure that this party has the appropriate measures in place to protect your personal data.

We will retain your information for a reasonable period or as long as the law requires.

4. Disclosure To Third Parties

The Company does not sell, trade, or rent your personal information to others. We never disclose information about a customer to any other person or organisation without your consent unless there is an emergency situation that requires it or we are legally required to do so.

The Company reserves the right to pass some of your information on to trustworthy third parties that we use for the provision of certain services, normally for administrative purposes and/or to facilitate your enquiry and/or booking. Please note that any postal addresses, email address or any payment details passed to us by you will not be forwarded to third parties without your express consent excepting the following: to the credit or debit card company that issued the card with which you made your booking.

5. Your Consent

In using the Upper Woodlands website, you consent to the collection and use of this information by Upper Woodlands in the ways described above.

If you have any further questions about our Privacy Policy or its implementation, please email us at the following address: 

[email protected]

6. Cookies

When you use our website we want to make it easy, useful and reliable. Where services are delivered on the internet, this sometimes involves placing small amounts of information on your device, for example, this could be your computer or smartphone. These include very small files known as cookies. They cannot be used to identify you personally.

These pieces of information are used to improve services for you through, for example:

enabling a service to recognise your device so you don’t have to give the same information several times during one task

recognising that you may already have given a Name and email address so you don’t need to do it for every web page requested

measuring how many people are using the site, so they can be made easier to use analysing anonymous data to help us understand how people interact with our website so we can make the experience better.

Some of the cookies we use are essential for parts of the site to operate and will have already been set. You may delete and block all cookies from this site, but please note that parts of the site may not work.

7. Newsletters & Mailshots

We may occasionally send you newsletters and/or mail shots making you aware of changes or offers available in the future. If you would like to opt out of this please let us know in advance so that we can take the necessary steps to remove your details from our mailing list. Please email contact [email protected] with your name, and you wish to be removed from our mailing list.

8. Personal Information May Be Shared With Third Parties:

If we sell part or all of our business or assets we may share personal information with a third party.

When legally requested, we may share your information.

Fraud protection and to minimise credit risk may require a sharing of your information. 

9. Third Party Links

Third Party Links to websites on our website are not included in our privacy policy.  You will need to check their privacy policy regarding data.  We do not accept liability or responsibility for third party links and their privacy policies.

10. Information Access

The Data Protection Act 1998 provides you with rights to access any information we may collect and store about you.  If you wish to have access to this information it may be subject to a £10 payment fee, used to cover our costs regarding the information you requested.  If you wish to access this data please provide contact details below. 

In using the Upper Woodlands website, you consent to the collection and use of this information in the ways described above