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whether you’re here for the outstanding accommodation, event space or spa; you’ll find the space you need at upper woodlands.

surrounded by our old orchard, upper woodlands feels like a place out of time. meaning you can make time for what matters most.

if you’re lucky, you may even see nature’s grand ballet in the sky. the area plays host to vast swallow murmurations. swallows are an ancient symbol of freedom and happiness. at our retreat, you’ll find both.

Established in 2006, Upper Woodlands is a family business which owes its roots to our farming heritage in which we owned several dilapidated farm houses and cottages. Sat derelict for many years, the decision was made to renovate each of our properties converting them into luxurious holiday properties to create a new part of the business and diversify from the often turbulent world of modern agriculture.

Some of our other properties are located very close to the Glastonbury Festival site and we are lucky enough to have some land surrounding Lower Hedge Farm. We decided that given its proximity to the festival site, a 10-15 minute walk, we should set up and run a luxury campsite for revellers that prefer to avoid any excess mud, so that’s exactly what we did! 2013 saw the birth of our festival campsite and with the cooperation of the festival organisers, we have subsequently run our campsite each year after, growing in size for each festival.

Our accommodation

Onsite facilities